Raymond Loewy Foundation Switzerland
Promotion of Design
Categories: architecture, design
Regions: All regions
Purpose: The Raymond Loewy Foundation's mission is to promote the discipline of design internationally and to preserve the image and heritage
of Raymond Loewy. Further, the Foundation strives to bring design and design issues to the attention of the broad public. The Raymond Loewy Foundation supports the design community by conducting educational programs for design professionals, awarding grants/donations to established designers (Lucky Strike Designer Award) and donating scholarships to design students (Lucky Strike Junior Designer Award).
Promotion focuses: Design mit folgenden Kriterien: Gebrauchswert, Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Funktionalität, Gestaltungsqualität, Innovationsgehalt, Zukunftspotenzial, gesellschaftlicher Nutzen, Legitimität, Umweltverträglichkeit, wirtschaftlich-industrielle Bedeutung, Einsicht in die Komplexität von Design, Präsentation.
Applications: Ausschreibungsunterlagen für den Wettbewerb sind auf dem Internet erhältlich.
Website: http://www.raymondloewyfoundation.com/
E-mail: info@raymondloewy.ch
Telephone: +41 44 26 86 300
Fax: +41 12 68 63 01
Postal address
Raymond Loewy Foundation Switzerland
Bergstrasse 50
CH-8032 Zürich