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UBS Culture Foundation

Support of Cultural and Artistic Work

Categories: architecture, classical music, film, literature, visual arts

Regions: All regions

Purpose: UBS Culture Foundation is engaged in promoting cultural life and the arts, the exchange between artists and wider society, and advancing the diversity of cultural expression. In particular, we support the creation, dissemination and mediation of contemporary art and culture in Switzerland.

Promotion focuses: Within the promotional fields Visual Arts, Heritage Conservation & Archaeology, Documentary Film, Literature, Music, Humanities & Cultural Sciences and Priority projects UBS Culture Foundation supports professional artists , cultural practitioners respectively their projects. Each field has individually defined criteria.

Exclusion criteria: The foundation does not accept applications for projects that do not meet the criteria set out in each promotional field; from persons who do not have Swiss nationality or permanent residence or for projects without close link to Switzerland; from students and for projects aiming at a scientific qualification (doctoral or post-doctoral degree etc.); for the production of a publication (printing and publishing costs) or a music album; for the operating costs of an institution.

Applications: Grant proposals are to be submitted by email. Criteria, application modalities and forms are published on the website. If you are unsure of whether your project meets the criteria, please email or call for clarification before applying.

Telephone: +41 44 23 43 606

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