Migros Culture Percentage Sparx
Funding project for young creative artists
Categories: interdisciplinary
Regions: All regions
Purpose: Migros Culture Percentage Sparx supports young creative artists between the ages of 18 and 28 with time, space and financial freedom. The focus of the funding is on the independent development of a project vision and the expansion of a professional network. Ideas from all groups and all disciplines are welcome.
As a participant, you can help shape the support from Sparx in such a way that it benefits you and your idea. With an annual Call for Ideas, Sparx is looking for innovative project ideas that will be further developed during four months of Sparx studio time. Coaching and exchange events accompany the Sparx Studio Time.
Sparx is committed to a contemporary, open and inclusive concept of culture.
Website: https://sparx-space.ch/
E-mail: sparx@mgb.ch
Postal address
Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund, Direktion Gesellschaft & Kultur, Löwenbräukunst-Areal
Limmatstrasse 270
Schweiz-8031 Zürich